Last Chance Brigade

Last Chance Brigade

tom with spinnaker
Spinnaker Sailing

“It seems the overriding qualification for solo sailing is advanced age, being a paid-up member of the Last Chance Brigade. Time is running out as the years of procrastination accumulate towards a crisis. Grandpa, casting off the responsible years of family and school fees, enjoys a financial second wind. The prospect of dying and not knowing becomes more scary than the prospect of going.” 

Singlehanded Sailing by Andrew Evans


This great quote from Andrew Evans describes not just solo sailing but all the adventures open to us upon entering retirement. We can choose to stay home, nestled in a comfy chair, binge-watching TV, and practicing “get off my lawn!!” or perhaps use the time for delayed hobbies and the pursuit of “what if?” The gift of time far outweighs the loss of a paycheck.

This journal will be my reflections on the 3rd act of life with dreams of motorcycle touring, sailing, biking, hiking, volunteering, shooting photographs, and learning new skills (like blogging!). Scary, but so many possibilities. I want to know before the play ends. Stay tuned.

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